How to Use the Zip Code Analyzer


COMPULIFE's "Zip Code Analyzer" does a lot more than just help you determine where a zip code is in relationship to another. The Zip Code Analyzer provides you with important information about the relative value of one zip code over another. We think that with this new information a lot of subscribers are going to want to grab available zip codes that have more apparent value than others.

The following will describe how the Zip Code Analyzer works.

First, the system gives you the opportunity to enter 3 values:

1. Zip Code - the zip code you want to analyze
2. Number of Listed Zip Codes - these are zip codes already spoken for in the state. These will either have 1, 2 or 3 subscribers already listed.
3. Number of Vacant Zip Codes - this will include vacant zip codes that have no subscribers currently listed

Tutorial / Example

It may be helpful to print this tutorial and then go back to the Zip Code Analyzer to follow along. *Some of the following details may have changed since this tutorial was written.

To learn the system and the logic behind it, let's begin with an example of the zip code that COMPULIFE is located in.

Enter the value of 40356 for the zip code.

Next, leave the default number of subscriber listings at 100. In this case you will not get 100 results because there are much less that 100 TERM4SALE zip code listings in the state of Kentucky.

Next, leave the default number of vacant zip codes set at 10.

Once those values have been entered, click on "Analyze This". Your report will be generated almost instantly.

The first column of information is titled "Subscribers Listed" and is the total number of subscribers who are already listed in that zip code.

NOTE: There are no subscribers actually listed in 40356 and so the number in the first column is 0.

The third column is titled "Distance" and advises you how many miles the zip code is located from the zip code that you entered. In this case, the first zip code is 0 miles away because it is the zip code that you requested. The next zip code is 40340 which is 1 mile away, and so on.

"Distance" is the default sort order of the report. For the purpose of the tutorial, let's not play with other sorting options until further in the tutorial.

The fourth column is called "Zip Code Income - Millions" and the values expressed in this column are millions of dollars of revenue. The value comes from multiplying the value found in the two columns which follow. This column, with the next column, will be VERY, VERY important information that helps you value one zip code listing versus another.

The fifth column is the "Income Per Household" for that zip code and is the average household income per each household in that zip code. The higher the average income per household of one zip code versus another, the more insurance the average person is likely to purchase.

The sixth column is the "Number of Households". Obviously if the average income per households in the zip code is high, but there are only a small number of households, the value of that zip code won't be as high as a zip code with a somewhat smaller income, but many more households.

Back to our example of 40356. You will notice that the zip code with the highest household income is zip code 40059, which an average household income of $98,316.00 (it's 66 miles from the zip code that we are analyzing, which is 40356). However zip code 40059 only has 4350 households.

By comparison look at zip code 41017. It's 80 miles from the zip code that we are analyzing (which is 40356). The household income for that zip code is less at $58,004.00, but the total number of households is three times as much, at 15,494.

That's why column number 4 is the most important zip code information in terms of volume. It shows the zip code income and will find the largest valued combinations of household income and number of households. To make it easier to identify those zip codes, click on the header for the 4th column, which says "Zip Code Income - Millions". The first time you click on it, the column and listings are ordered in smallest zip code income to highest. Click that same header again, and the largest zip code income moves to the top of the list. You will now see that the highest zip code income is for zip code 41017, followed by 41042, followed by 40207, etc.

Once you have identified that, you will then need to determine which of those codes is more important to you, income per household versus number of households.

Of course zip codes that already have 3 people listed in them, will not be available for you to be listed in. For more information about listing rules, keep reading. The rules will be changing for listing priorities, and will be changing again in a year, based upon actual consumer email contacts with subscribers.

Looking over the list of zip codes you will notice that some zip codes have "zero" zip code income. This is because there are "zero" households in the zip code which means that the zip code is most likely a post office box. You would be well advised to avoid post office box zip codes as most consumers, when identifying their zip code to, will enter in the zip code where there home is actually located.

Once again, with this important information now in hand we suspect that there will be a lot of subscribers who want to re-shuffle their listings. With that in mind, the next section of the bulletin is a review of the updated rules.

Back to our tutorial. Let's take a closer look at zip code 41017. If you think that is a zip code that might be good for you, then you need to go back to the top of the page and replace 40356 with 41017; click the "Analyze This" button again. This will now reorganize the report with the focus on 41017. You can see what other zip codes surround that zip code.

IMPORTANT: It would make no sense to purchase zip codes next to 41017, such as 41015. The fact that no one is listed in 41015 means that the system will look for people that are listed near 41015. To see that listing, enter in 41015 and click on "Analyze This". You will see that the first zip code with a listed subscriber is 41017. Next is 41042 followed by 40502. Providing that the same subscriber is not listed in more than one of those zip codes, that will be the list given to the consumer. Needless to say, if you want 41015, you are better to actually take 41017.

The next step in the tutorial is to search zip code 60048. We are looking at that zip code because there are already 3 subscribers listed; note that the code is full. But if you are looking to be listed in that area, you will notice zip code 60045 which is about the 6th code on the list. There is only one subscriber in that zip code and it is open for others to be listed.